
At Windmill L.E.A.D. Academy, we believe that wearing a smart and practical uniform allows all children, regardless of their backgrounds, to feel equal to their peers and confident in their appearance. It is important for children to wear clothing that is conducive to a successful learning environment, including activity-appropriate clothing, such as sports attire.

We have made our uniform requirements as simple as possible, so that it is affordable and can be purchased from high street stores and supermarkets.

We have sweatshirts and cardigans with our school logo, that can be purchased from the school office and paid for via the Gateway App. Families that are eligible for Free School Meals can have a free sweatshirt or cardigan every year. However, there is NO expectation that the uniform is purchased from school or that it has to have the logo.

In Year 5 and 6, we provide all children with a school blazer and tie.

We keep a stock of good quality second hand uniform and we are happy to give these to families who need uniform clothing for free. We also gratefully receive any good quality items of uniform parents/carers wish to donate.

Please read the table below to find out our uniform requirements:

Dark blue/navy sweatshirt jumper or cardigan
Available from school with a school logo. Sweatshirt costs £9.50 and cardigan cost £10.55.

Or a plain sweatshirt/cardigan can be purchased from any high street shop.
Free for those eligible for Free School Meals at the beginning of each school year.

Plain white or sky blue polo shirtAvailable from any high street shop
Grey trousers or skirtAvailable from any high street shop
Black smart shoesAvailable from any high street shopNo brand logos or coloured shoes
Blazer & tie (Year 5 & 6 only)
Free from school for all Year 5 & 6 childrenAt the end of year 4 all children are measured to have a blazer for Year 5 & 6.
PE KitWe provide a free set (T-shirt/shorts/PE bag).
Black or navy plain shortsFree from school
White plain t-shirtFree from school
Black or navy plain sweatshirt or hoodieAvailable from any high street shopNo brand logos
For when weather is cold
Black or navy plain tracksuit bottoms or leggingsAvailable from any high street shop
Trainers/plimsollsAvailable from any high street shop
Plimsolls free from school
Swimming costume/trunks
Swimming Costume – one piece
Trunks – no shorts allowed
Available from any high street shopPupils go swimming usually in year 2, 4 and 6.
Book BagAvailable from school with a school
logo, these cost £4.95, or plain
from any high street shop.
All children starting school will be
given a free book bag in Reception
(F2) and if they start mid-year.
This is not a requirement to have,
and parents may choose to only
use a school bag/rucksack.
Earrings – small stud earringsMetal, one per ear.
For health and safety reasons we
cannot permit hoop, or drop
JewelleryNo other jewellery is permitted.
Make-upNo make-up, including nail varnish
is permitted.
HairstyleNo extreme haircuts or colours are

Please click here to read our policy on uniform.
