National Oak Academy Specialist https://classroom.thenational.academy/specialist
BBC Bitesize SEND Toolkit https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh9v382
The Maths Factor https://www.themathsfactor.com/
Resources and Support:
SEN Resource Source https://www.senresourcesource.co.uk/
Regenerate (Autism) http://www.regeneratecic.co.uk/
SEN Resources Blog https://senresourcesblog.com/
Special Needs Jungle https://www.specialneedsjungle.com/
Chatterpack https://chatterpack.net/
Sensory Circuits https://www.cpft.nhs.uk/Documents/Miscellaneous/Sensory%20Motor%20Circuits.pdf
ADHD Northwest http://adhdnorthwest.org.uk/
Greatminds Together https://greatmindstogether.co.uk/
Outside Agencies and Services:
CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)https://www.lscft.nhs.uk/CAMHS
CAMHS Apps https://www.camhs-resources.co.uk/apps-1
CAMHS Websites https://www.camhs-resources.co.uk/websites
CAMHS Downloads https://www.camhs-resources.co.uk/downloads
CAMHS Videos https://www.camhs-resources.co.uk/videos
Daisy Chain https://www.daisychainproject.co.uk/
Speech and Language Therapy https://elht.nhs.uk/services/speech-and-language-therapy
Occupational Therapy https://elht.nhs.uk/services/occupational-therapy
SEND: apps and games
Website: http://www.brainparade.com/products/see-touch-learn-free/
Description: a visual instruction app, including flash cards and picture-choosing games, for children with autism and special needs.
Website: https://www.helpkidzlearn.com/
Description: a collection of games and resources designed for a range of educational needs and stages. It includes provision for school closure.
Sensory App House Ltd
Website: https://www.sensoryapphouse.com/
Description: a range of apps are available for pupils with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) or Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD). All are interactive and many do not require significant coordination abilities.
Website: https://www.visuals2go.com/
Description: an all-in-one app created to support people with communication and learning difficulties. For verbal and non-verbal learners.
SEND: online, downloadable and printable resources
Active Learn Primary
Website: https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/
Description: the Rapid Reading and Rapid Phonics programmes focus on accelerating progress in reading skills for pupils with dyslexia and with low levels of literacy. Designed for teachers, but suitable for parents too.
Registration: is required
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Website: https://www.annafreud.org/media/11160/supporting-schools-and-colleges.pdf
Description: a downloadable guide to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of pupils and students during periods of disruption. Designed for teachers, but suitable for parents too.
Registration: not required
Charles Dickens Primary
Website: http://www.charlesdickens.southwark.sch.uk/
Description: the Jenny Wren Virtual School SEN Hub offers daily lessons for pupils with moderate learning difficulties, focusing on Makaton and a daily activity to complete with a parent or teacher.
Registration: not required
Inclusive Teach
Website: https://inclusiveteach.com/free-printable-sen-teaching-resources/
Description: downloadable and printable accessible teaching resources for parents and teachers to support pupils with a range of SEND needs, including Autism, PMLD, SLCN, MLD, SLD
Registration: not required
Priory Woods School
Website: http://www.priorywoods.middlesbrough.sch.uk/page/?title=Resources&pid=3
Description: resources from an award-winning, innovative school, rated by Ofsted as outstanding and put together by SEND teachers for parents and teachers. The resources include apps and programmes.
Registration: not required
SENict Activities
Website: https://www.ianbean.co.uk/senict-members-resource-portal
Description: downloadable activities aimed particularly at learners with PMLD, SLD and those who are learning to use assistive technology to access the curriculum. Suitable for parents and teachers.
Registration: not required
SEN Teacher
Website: https://www.senteacher.org/
Description: downloadable and printable resources that can be adapted to suit the needs of pupils. Resources are aimed at a range of abilities. Website has over 300,000 regular users and is suitable for both parents and teachers.
Registration: not required
Speech and Language Kids
Website: https://www.speechandlanguagekids.com/free-speech-language-resources/
Description: an extensive range of education and therapy resources for parents and teachers of children with speech and language problems. A podcast is also available on iTunes for verbal and non-verbal children.
Registration: not required
Teaching Students with Visual Impairments
Website: https://www.teachingvisuallyimpaired.com/
Description: a range of downloadable resources and instructional strategies to support blind and visually impaired pupils. Suitable for parents and teachers.
Registration: is required
The Autism Page
Website: https://www.theautismpage.com/
Description: online support and information aimed at supporting parents with young autistic children. Information and ideas to support the implementation of autism specific teaching methods.
Registration: not required